It Works.
How & Why?

Dukes Weight Loss Shakes & Soups work because they reduce the amount of calories you eat per day.

They are low in calories (approximately 200 calories per meal) but packed with protein, fibre and vitamins and minerals which makes them a safe and effective method of rapid weight loss.

The protein, fibre and lack of sugar keep you full and satisfied. We also recommend you eat healthy solid meals and snacks and drink a decent amount of water as part of a healthy, rounded diet alongside our products.

six bowls of ingredients including salad, muesli, soup berries

Simply Choose
a Plan...

Duke Weight Loss has two weight loss programs to choose from. Please select your program considering the following:

Speed - The rapid weight loss program will result in faster weight loss than the steady weight loss program.

Intensity - The rapid weight loss program has fewer main meals and requires a higher level of commitment.

Both programs are very effective for achieving your weight loss goals. Please choose according to your personal timeframe and lifestyle.

Rapid weight loss symbol

Rapid Weight Loss

Replace 2 main meals with meal replacements.

Show Sample Plan
Steady weight loss symbol

Steady weight loss

Replace 1 main meal & 1 snack with meal replacements.

Show Sample Plan
Dukes Shake Club Logo

Six steps to Success


Select Your Plan

Well done you've commited to making a positive change to your life. Losing unnecesary body fat has profound benefits to both your physical and mental well-being.

Now, select either the rapid or steady weight loss plan:

1. The Rapid Weight Loss Plan replaces two main meals per day

2. The Steady Weight Loss Plan replaces one main meal and one snack per day

Both will result in efficient weight loss, the rapid plan will just speed up the process.

Both plans are available as PDF's in the section above.

Select your plan symbol

Eat Rounded Meals

What you eat in your other main meals is critical to your weight loss success.

Healthy and rounded meals between 400-550 calories are recommended to ensure you are in a calorie deficit and reach your weight loss goals.

Your meals should focus on good sources of protein, carbohydrates and fats with a range of fruit and veg.

You can enjoy delicious meals everyday, that you love and will keep you on track and feeling great.

We have created a library of delicious healthy recipes to choose from, which is linked below.


Enjoy Healthy Snacks

Poor snack choices are often the downfall of many peoples weight loss journeys.

Use snacks as a tool to bridge you between meals. They should idealyy be between 100-200 calories and have both protein and fibre where possible.

Having a monring and afternoon snack helps you stay on track. We do not recommend skipping these.

A Dukes Natural Protein Snack is perfect to keep you full and satisfied at just 135 calories and packed with fibre, protein and no nasties.

We have also provided other snack ideas for you below:


Limit Intake Of...

Certain foods are detrimental to your health & weight loss goals and should be limited.

The major categories are: Refined sugar foods & drinks, extremely calorically dense foods and over-processed foods. We have a more indepth guide linked below.

Limiting your intake of these foods gives you a massive head start and makes sure you aren't undoing the hard work you are putting in.

Limitation does not mean complete elimination!

Enjoy these less nutritious foods in moderation whilst acknowledging they are treats and a tool for you to stay on track long-term.


Drink Water & Move

Drinking up to 2L of water a day helps you stay full and hydrated.

The brain often confuses hunger with thirst. Drink water steadily throughout the day and with meals to keep hunger at bay.

Being phyiscally active further helps your weight loss journey. This doesn't have to be strenuous. Simply going for a 30 minute walk will help you lose weight.

Weight training and other forms of cardio and training can also help.

We have detailed a range of ways to be more active without having a gym membership or equipment, see below:


Don't be overly restrictive

Dukes Weight Loss' meal replacement system allows you to enjoy the foods you love.

Our shakes and soups are very low in calories (VLCD) and allow you freedom to fit in a range of foods. We recommend during the week you select healthy meals from our recipe library

Then on the weekend go ahead and enjoy a treat meal with your friends or family.

Whether it be a burger or pizza know you have worked hard for it and it's a part of your plan for long-term sustainable success.

Read more about the power of not being overly restrictive below: