Healthy Snack Ideas

A topdown shot of various nuts, fruits and vegetables on a white wooden table.

Reading Time

3 minutes



Use snacks as a tool to bridge you between meals. They should ideally be between 100-200 calories and have both protein and fibre where possible.

Having a morning and afternoon snack helps you stay on track. We do not recommend skipping these.

A Dukes Natural Protein Snack is perfect to keep you full and satisfied at just 135 calories and packed with fibre, protein and no nasties.

 We have also provided other snack ideas for you below:

Sweet Size
Greek yoghurt (low-fat) 160g
Dukes Protein Snack 1 bar
Serve of fruit 1 piece
Rice cakes with peanut butter 2 pieces
Rice cakes with honey 1 bar
Protein bars 1 bar
Sweet rice cakes 2 pieces


Savoury Size
Unsalted nuts 1 Handful
Rice cakes with hummous 2 pieces
Rice cakes with Vegemite 2 pieces
Rice cakes with a tuna tin 2 pieces
Popcorn (Air popped) 20g
Carrot sticks 1 carrot
Crackers and cottage cheese 6 biscuits


A image of a plastic protein shaker next to 2 assorted Dukes Weight Loss boxes with
A image of a 4 flavours of Dukes Weight Loss bag products with
10 different flavours of Dukes Weight Loss flavours with
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