Weight Maintenance
What do I do when I reach my goal weight?
Having tidied up your diet, elevated your exercise regimen, and abandoned bad habits, you've successfully shed those Kgs! However, once the number on the scales reaches your desired goal weight, you may notice your motivation dwindling, while cravings for things like fizzy drinks and chips increase.
The key to maintaining your weight loss lies in letting go of the "I'm on a diet" mentality, as it often leads to a cycle of weight fluctuations. Instead, concentrate on embracing a lifestyle that suits your new physique. People who succeed in losing weight and keeping it off make enduring changes to their eating and exercise habits.
Tip 1
One of the essential elements for staying fit and preserving your desired weight is to surround yourself with encouraging friends and family members. Try to avoid individuals who undermine your progress and instead, associate with those who cheer you on. Even better, find a companion who shares your dedication to fitness. Together, you can overcome any fitness obstacles that come your way.
Tip 2
Even if you don't write down your healthy habits every day, ensure you record something on paper, the screen, or your preferred tracking device occasionally, particularly when you notice yourself losing focus. Set a particular date each month and jot down your weight, food consumption, and physical activity. This allows you to make comparisons from month to month and year to year, and helps keep you on track.
Tip 3
Even if you don't write down your healthy habits every day, ensure you record something on paper, the screen, or your preferred tracking device occasionally, particularly when you notice yourself losing focus. Set a particular date each month and jot down your weight, food consumption, and physical activity. This allows you to make comparisons from month to month and year to year, and helps keep you on track.
Tip 4
Eating is an essential part of our daily routine. To ensure ongoing success, make sure to have low-sugar, high-volume foods available. Don't forget to have a nourishing breakfast and take a moment to prepare healthy meals in advance. By doing so, you'll resist the temptation to reach for the nearest vending machine when cravings strike. Lots of folks stick with a Dukes Shake for Breakfast after they have hit their goal weigh as part of their maintenance plan.
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