Accessible Workouts

A close-up image of a mans legs while he's walking

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Being physically active is important for everyone. This doesn't mean running marathons or going to the gym everyday. There are lots of ways to get moving no matter your fitness level or physical capability. Here are some ideas:

Are you struggling with how to be more physically active?

If you're struggling to find the time or motivation to be more physically active, it's not just you. In fact, many Australians struggle with this issue. A study published by the CDC found that only 20% of adults meet recommendations for physical activity (30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise 5 days per week). Another study found that less than half of adults have regular physical activity such as walking or biking once a day.

If you need some inspiration to become more physically active, here are some benefits:

  • Enjoying a better quality of life

  • Lowering your risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes

  • Losing weight

  • Feeling calmer throughout your day

Take the stairs whenever you have the opportunity.

The stairs are a great way to get in a quick workout, whether you're on your way to work or just running errands. If you live in an apartment building, use them instead of taking the elevator. If your office building has stairs, try taking them as often as possible (and if it doesn't, request that they install some!). When waiting for public transportation like buses and trains that sometimes don't come very frequently—or when forced outside due to weather conditions—take advantage of the chance to burn off some extra calories while waiting by walking up and down flights of stairs instead of standing around!

Sit less and move more.

You'll probably find that when you're moving, it's easier to meet your daily exercise goals. So take a walk at lunch instead of sitting at your desk for an hour. Do some stretches throughout the day instead of sitting in front of the television after work. Or try getting off the bus one stop early and walking home—you'll get fit and save time!

Easy home workouts that you can do on your own or with a friend or loved one.

Here are some easy modifications you can do while working out at home:

  • Squats

Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and lower yourself towards the ground by bending at your knees. Make sure to keep your back straight and chest lifted. Bend your knees until they're almost touching the floor, then stand up again to complete one rep. If this is too difficult, try sitting on an exercise ball as you squat instead of lowering all the way down. You'll be able to get a good workout without putting too much stress on your joints!

Another modification is called “the wall squat,” which involves standing directly next to a wall with both feet flat against it in a parallel position (one foot slightly forward from the other). Keeping your back straight and chest out, slowly lower yourself down as far as possible until you feel your thigh muscles begin to stretch—but don't go so low that it hurts!

  • Push-ups

Push-ups are a great exercise for your upper body, but they can be difficult if you're not used to doing them. If that's the case, there are plenty of ways to modify them so you can still get a good workout.

One option is to do push-ups from your knees instead of from your toes. This will make it easier on your joints and muscles while still maintaining some of the benefits of doing regular push-ups (like building strength in the chest and triceps).

Find a workout mate.

For some people, finding a workout mate is the perfect solution for staying motivated. If you have someone on hand who will work out with you, even if it's just for one day a week, that can be all the encouragement you need to get up and moving.

Make sure to start slowly, and set realistic goals for yourself!

You're probably thinking, "I should start running today!" or, "I'm going to go to the gym every day and do my best." While this is a great attitude to have about physical fitness, we have some advice for you. You need to start slowly. Don't get discouraged if you don't accomplish your goals the first time around; that's perfectly normal! Getting into shape takes time—and patience is a virtue in this case. Set yourself up for success by giving yourself at least one month of regular exercise before increasing your intensity or workloads.

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