Can you Love Food AND Lose Weight?
We all love food, right?! So when you're trying to lose a few kilos, it can be tough to have to break-up with your favourite snack. But what if you could have your cake and eat it too? 🍰
We've come up with ideas for how to balance loving food; while losing weight - so you can enjoy the best of both worlds!
#1: Quality over Quantity
Another approach is to practice portion control and mindful eating. This includes paying attention to your level of hunger, eating slowly and without distraction, and stopping when you feel comfortably full. In addition, incorporating regular exercise into your routine can also help you lose weight while still enjoying your favourite foods. Exercise has many positives; including it's ability to boost your metabolism, burn calories, and improve your overall health and well-being. #2: Listen to your Stomach
#3: Get Movin'