Chicken Bolognese

Bowl of Chicken Bolognese with Pasta

Eating this chicken bolognese is a comforting experience. Each forkful combines the tender chicken, savoury bacon, and hearty vegetables with the rich, umami-laden sauce. The flavours combine together beautifully, creating a dish that is both deeply satisfying and complex in taste. 

Served over a bed of al dente pasta, this chicken bolognese is a complete meal that promises warmth and nourishment. It's perfect for a cozy family dinner or to impress guests with its robust flavours and comforting appeal


Per serving











Preheat oven to 150C/145C fan

Spray the olive oil onto a large oven proof casserole dish and brown the chicken in two batches on a moderate heat and put to one side

Add the bacon to the chicken juices and gently heat for 2 mins

Add the garlic, leeks, celery and bayleaf and stir together

Cook on a low heat for 5 mins until just starting to soften

Stir in the tomato puree and add the tins of tomatoes, stock and 1 tbs of Worcestershire sauce

Bring to the boil for 5 mins

Add the chicken thighs ensuring well submerged in the liquid

Season with salt and pepper

Cover the casserole dish with a tight fitting lid or double layer of foil and place in the oven for 2 hrs

Add the mushrooms and continue to cook for a further 30 mins

Take out the casserole dish and remove the chicken gently with a slotted spoon

Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil and cook the pasta according to instructions

At the same time, place the casserole dish onto the stove top and bring to the boil

Reduce the sauce to a high simmer to reduce the liquid for approx 10 mins until thickened to a desired consistency

Reduce the sauce to a high simmer to reduce the liquid for approx 10 mins until thickened to a desired consistency

Serve with the chopped parsley and cooked pasta



Prep Time

10 Minutes

Cooking Time

3 hrs (2.5 hrs in oven)


900g Chicken thighs skinless & boneless
100g Bacon pieces
2 Garlic cloves chopped finely
300g Leeks thickly sliced
300g Celery thickly sliced
300g Baby mushrooms
150g Spinach leaves
2 Tbsp Tomato puree
2 x 400g Tins cherry tomatoes
500g Beef stock
1 Tbs Worcestshire sauce
1 Olive oil spray
1 Bay leaf
4 Tbs Parsley leaves
375g Dried pasta
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